Now that it's getting colder...with highs during the day mostly in the 30's (sometimes it gets into the 40's!) and over night lows in the 20's/teens we decided it was time to take the advice of my parents and shrinky dink our windows. If you're 25+ you know all about shrinky dink (my BFF's and I used to shrinky dink it up back in the day) however if you're older/younger you may not be up to date with your shrinky dink knowledge. It doesn't matter...because knowing about shrinky dink is completely irrelevant to our Saturday night activity. Normal people would probably refer to it as "winterizing the window's" but we all know I'm way past normal.......I call it Shrinky Dinking our windows....and I probably had entirely too much fun doing it....

This is what the box looks like and sort of explains shrinky dinking in terms of window insulation for all you normal folks....we're hoping the advertising doesn't lie and we do actually save on our energy costs this winter......

David first measured the windows (because we all know me and numbers don't get along)...he cut the plastic shrinky dink and taped it to the parameter of our 4 windows ... I'm pretty sure this was the hard boring part that I opted out of....claiming the need to photo document this exciting event for blogging purposes....
This is what the window looks like pre-shrinky dinking....nasty ugly plastic over the windows...gross.
But wait for it.....wait for it.....wait for it.............................

I think I probably got entirely too excited for this.... but it was sooooo fun!!!! With the simple heat of a hair dryer the plastic simply shranky dank..........

.....and the final product was just a simple can't even tell there's plastic on's nuts!!!!
We're totally hoping that this simple fix saves us money and keeps us warm this winter!!!! I already can't wait for next year to do it again!!! If anyone wants to pay me to shrinky dink their windows....I'm not sayin I'm quiting my day job....but I will shrinky dink alllll day long.......
Lol I am totally new to the concept of shrinky dinking.... but I want to shrinky dink our sliding glass door. It's huge and is so cold!