Since recounting to you our whole entire Christmas would be a tad extreme (or in other words over the top and way uncalled for)...I decided I'd just leave you all with the highlights....mostly in the form of're welcome...
My fav thing about Christmas this year was the bringing back of some old school traditions from back in the day with my fam, mixed with some of mine and David's own "newer" traditions....the mix of old and new honestly made my heart as happy as a clam....
Christmas Eve church service with the fam, followed by baking, and the opening of the infamous "one gift wonder" is something my fam and I have been doing for as long as I can remember....
..then it was gift opening gift of your choice....David and I chose to open David's sister Laurie's gift (she drew our name in the Domis Family name drawing)
........Fast Forward to Christmas Morning.....
My fav part of Christmas morning hands down is the stocking.....but for David and I...this is our first fork in the road. One of the weirdest traditions that David and I differ the most on when it comes to Christmas traditions from our childhood is the stocking....poor little David (coming from a family of 10) never had his own personal stocking (when I learned this I immediately had to make him one...fully decked out in sparkle, sequins and all...adorned with his very on "hand embroidered" name so Santa would never leave him out ever again). Now stuffed with his very own sursy's these are the first things we go for on Christmas morning.....
"de-icer" for the locks on his car (because we've seriously been "stranded" for a good 10 min trying to unlock iced over locks)...and Hawaiian Chocolates! (Funny story...his sister Gina (who lives in Hawaii) got us these chocolates like 2 years in a row as a sursy from Hawaii...and when I saw them in Menards....there was no her honor...I had to get them)
My stocking was stuffed with (not pictured here) Christmas Reece's and pink sparkly ear muffs!!!
Before departing for my parents house and a big Christmas Lunch...we decided to open one gift to each other....
David opened his gag gift from me (Wonder Hangers---long inside joke from a trip "back in the day" to Daytona with his brothers--hilarious) 
....and David's gift to me....
4 (count them FOUR) scarves that David has gotten me over the past 4 Christmases.....are we starting to see a trend here or what????
Good thing he knows I love scarves...and good thing he picks out perfect ones just for me...or we'd have a real problem on our hands folks!
We then packed up all of our other unopened gifts and headed over to my parents house to finish all the opening gifts maddness after a southern delicious Christmas lunch. I'll spare you the details and give you a quick recap....David got various tools, puzzles, and a golf bag cart carrier thingy (so he no longer has to carry his own golf bag the old fashioned way--- can we say upgrade?!) --- and I got yarn galore and other crafting accessories, and my very own version the condo craft room (the original version being my mothers craft room organizer...mine however is pink and thus better with added matching tote)
To our family and friends back home... we missed you all dearly and hope you all had a day full of love, laughter, family, and fun....until next year....
....Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good nite!
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