Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We're back!

Were you wondering where the heck we've been??? Have missed reading all of our oh so exciting posts?? Did you think we quit life?
{Have no fear...we're out of hibernation! }

That's right...winter appears to be over......and we couldn't BE any more excitied!!!  We're having 70 degree days and sunshine all week long and so far our screen door has been open to let all that wonderful fresh air in ...and it feels FABULOUS!
There will probably be another freeze or two...and who knows with the way the weather is here probably another snow....but all in all the "worst" of winter is behind us. I use quotes around "worst" because this winter really hasn't been all that bad. We've had snow here and there, and freezing cold weather and that whole winter thing for sure...but it definately hasn't been as bad as it could have been and for that we are definately thankful!
 Spring time means we're back in the game folks....
Good bye winter blues...hello sunshine!