Happy Birthday to David!!!!!
He turned the Big 2-9 on Tuesday and since we didn't get to celebrate on the actual date last year....so this year just getting to be together...AND celebrate....it was a pretty big deal. (Also me not having to work def was the icing on the chocolate bday cake....but I'm getting ahead of myself)Since we didn't get to spend his bday together last year (because I was already here...and he was still back home) I decided to make everything about the day extra special. So I got up extra early and decorated the apt. (I've decorated our house every year we've been together...and was super sad I didn't get to last year....it's one of my fav things about bdays!)
We had already planned to have dinner and celebrate with my parents (b/c that's a Domis tradition....dinner and gift opening festivities with the parents...however this celebration proved to be a great deal more low key than any Domis bash) and he had already decided he wanted BBQ and chocolate cake....
So after my Target party supply run...my mom and I went to Jimmy Jacks for the bbq--- let me just say their bbq is the most like home that we've had here....however they were lacking in the carb heavy side department (but that's par for the course in this neck of the woods!)
After errands were all run...and supplies were gathered....time was running out before David was due home from work. (I'm pretty sure time is the #1 reason people don't wait till the last minute to plan a party...but hey that's how we roll) We threw together more decorations....
(Of course we had to do a sports theme...it is David after all)
(we didn't have a box or enough gift wrap for the massive box...so we wrapped it in fabric...BRILLIANT! I'm totally requesting all my gifts from here on our be wrapped in fabric...it's like two gifts in one! ....but I digress....)
....next up was the cake....and of course while it was baking there was a split second for craft time....
Then FINALLY the Bday boy was home!!!! Let the party Begin!
Then FINALLY the Bday boy was home!!!! Let the party Begin!
Dinner was DELISH!
Also a big thank you to Renee and Matt for their delish Buffalo Wild Wing gift card they sent (that we used last night!) and also to Laurie and Brian for the generous gift card to Outback! (which we can't wait to use!) And a big thanks to everyone for all the Bday love....I know all the texts and phone calls really made his day extra special!
After gifts it was time for that delish chocolate cake.....
The party ended with some fun board games and a little Amazing Race action on the Wii...
Happy Birthday Pookie Bear!!!
Another year for the memory books!
Happy Bday David Part Deux:
Weekend Edition
Because I'm an awesome girlfriend (and I too often feel cheated when my bday falls on a week day) .... AND because I had this weekend off....I decided to continue the bday celebrations and give David full control over our weekend plans. While I would have had a hayday with that kind of free range....David would have probably sat on the couch all day .... but again....awesome girlfriend....researched gun ranges on the trusty ole google and found one about 45 min away...pack your range bag bday boy....adventure calls!

So as we pull up to this otherwise terrifying gun range (that I'm pretty sure we may not have been able to get to if there had been snow on the ground without a 4 wheel drive super huge redneck truck)...we walk through the "front door" and let me just say.... I was absolutely amazed. The people there were SO nice....they greeted us (which doesn't happen here very often...which you already know if you have ever read any post in this blog)... and welcomed us! They also chatted it up as we filled out paper work (also never happens)...we joked around... and as we're talking to the friendly redneck gun range owners (aka good ole wholesome down home boys)...we find that they have outdoor ranges...which I've been telling David we should try...and also since it warmed up (to a balmy 35 degrees)...we decided to skip the indoor (claustrophobic anxiety attack waiting to happen on my part) range and head straight outside. So the guys walked out with us...showed us around...and set us up..and we were ready to go!

The guy set up our range which was super nice... and David set up the "gun stuff" and it was time to shoot!!

Then it was my turn!!! P.s. this photo was staged for everyone's safety... I did however shoot some pretty awesome rounds after I learned how to aim!!! I shot AND hit the target twice!!!

So the range was a success...and thus Happy Bday David Part Deux was a success! We had a great day and can't wait for summer to do some more out door shooting!!! We also found a "popular" pizza joint in the next town over that we'll be sure to try next time we venture out to the country!!!!
Next year...it's the big 3-0 .... I better start planning now!!!!