Before I get ahead of myself, let me say, fall time around here is a little different than back home. Not only is the weather actually that of fall time, but it's all about harvesting here (surprise surprise with all this corn!)
We kicked off Fall at the Kalona Fall Festival at the beginning of October. (Kalona is the Amish Community not too far from here) The Festival was located in their Historical Museum area and there were lots of local artists, fall food, and SHOPPING! (needless to say I might have enjoyed this festival a little more than David did...but he's always such a good sport!)
Our next round of Fall Fun was this past weekend at Bloomsbury Farms in Atkins Iowa. (You want to talk about middle of nowhere....this is it folks. I know that most people would think if you're going to a place with "Farms" in the might expect to go to the middle of nowhere....but I atleast thought there would be a main street for antique/fabric shopping....I was sadly mistaken)---Middle of Nowhere Iowa redeemed itself with tons of fun activities...including farm animals, a pumpkin patch, pig races, haunted houses, a "pumpkin blaster" (which I'm pretty sure in the book of redneck is registered off the redneck charts), and my fav part of the day---the corn maze!!! This corn maze was 10 acres and we actually made it through the whole thing...which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself!
That whole map up there...yea we made it through that...but you should have seen the very unimpressive prize basket (epic fail)
With a few more weeks till the first snow...we're enjoyin' these gorgeous leaves and fall time fun!
Happy Fall Ya'll!
Happy Fall Ya'll!
{I'm leaving you with a was taken at the Kalona Fall Festival....and it is now my mission...on any adventure we embark...and thus we will be left with a photo similar to this....Pop 75¢ }
{I say soda...You say pop}